ResourcesTen Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth.
Evidence for a Young World by Russ Humphreys Creation Links to Very Good Articles on Many Subjects. What is Creation Science? Fifteen Questions for Evolutionists Dinosaur Articles There is much interest in dinosaurs and this is a helpful site. Astronomy Articles Answers in Genesis has put a number of books online which you can download free. These provide more in-depth information. Brian Cole gave a talk on Evolution and Culture. He also tells how evolution contributed to his decline into drugs and degradation leading to his incarceration for 27 years, and how the gospel saved him. Do you want to take a CREATION VACATION? You can click HERE to get information on places to visit with creation implications!
Would you like to have a speaker on creation topics? Click HERE for information on a creationist speaker. Ministries with web sites containing helpful information.
Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis publishes a popular magazine, Answers, and a technical magazine, the Answers Research Journal for those who like to think in depth about issues. For example, the Answers Research Journal has an article discussing were Adam and Eve historical people from a hermaneutical perspective. Institute for Creation Research publishes Acts and Facts, a monthly news magazine, and Days of Praise, a daily devotional (see web page). Creation Ministries, Inc Creation Research USA - site of John Mackay, a remarkable creation geologist from Australia. Discovery Institute - a very technical site on Intelligent Design, Economics and Technology. It does not promote a view of origins. Various Creation Ministries
Search for Truth
Twin Cities Creation Science Association (Minnesota) Quad Cities Creation Science Association (Iowa/Illinois) Greater Houston Creation Association Midwest Creation Fellowship (Chicago area) Creation Museum (Petersburg, KY) The ARK Encounter (Full size Noah's Ark describing Flood; Petersburg, KY)
Creation Today (Pensacola, FL) Bible and Science Guy (blog debunking evolutionism, exalting the creator, exploring creation) Creation-Evolution Headlines (Intelligent Design orientation but sometimes has young universe articles, e.g. one on Saturn's rings show the planet is young.) Crossroads Outreach (Comes alongside northern Wisconsin and northern Michigan ministries to help them grow.) |